ஏப்ரல் 05, 2012

குறளின் குரல் - 4

அகழ்வாரைத் தாங்கும் நிலம்போலத் தம்மை 
இகழ்வார்ப் பொறுத்தல் தலை.
-    kural 151 (பொறையுடமை அதிகாரம்)

Today’s kuraL verse is from aRauthuppAl – அறத்துப்பால் (Dharma) from the poRaiyudamai chapter. ‘Patience is the best virtue’ – easily said than practiced. In the fast paced world of today, almost everything needs, done yesterday.  

Patience as a virtue, is virtually an extinct and a rare commodity in our racing world. The oft-quoted ‘poruthAr bhoomi aLvAr” (பொறுத்தார் பூமி ஆள்வார்), is almost never practiced anywhere.

The most used phrase of ‘en porumaikkum oru ellai undu’ (என் பொறுமைக்கும் ஒரு எல்லை உண்டு!), very often means a very short duration of 5 minutes at the best, before the fireworks begin. Our patience at home, with friends, society we move in, relationships, learning and work place is almost to the point accomplishing our needs, a self serving tool. 

Mother earth is often cited as an example embodiment of patience. 
We litter her, dig her, deplete her of her riches and resources use her for our, mostly selfish reasons. Human ego usally forgets the eco system where they have to live in and have to leave for the future generations. Despite that the mother earth continues to give her patience and letting us live.

Though the truth is that continued depletion will result in deprivation for the larger society, if not immediately, eventually! This kuraL alludes to the extent of patience one must exercise and makes it an exalted virtue that somebody can have.

agazvArai – those who dig (the earth)
thAngum – bears (those who dig)
nilampOla – like mother earth (usually, land, field, but here the mother earth)
thammai  igazhvArai – those who demean, debase, humiliate
poRuththal – to bear them with utmost forbearance, restraint, tolerance
thalai – is the best virtue.

In today’s world, will this really work? Hmm..! I am sure Valluvar has seen these traits in his times itself and that’s why he was compelled to write these verses. After all human mind and workings have been the same for centuries.

“Have the virtue of forbearance, for those who insult
Exemplified by mother earth as she is hollowed out”

இன்றெனது குறள்:

பொறுமை தரும்நற் பெருமை அதனால்
சிறுமை எவர்க்கும் இலை!

கருத்துகள் இல்லை:


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- Ashok Subramaniam

அமரேசன் திருப்பாதம் அகமேவ:

அமர்நாத் யாத்திரைக்குச் சென்றுவந்தபின் எழுதியது.. உடனே பெங்களூரு சென்றுவிட்டதால், உடனே பதிக்கமுடியவில்லை, பதிக்கவில்லை.. அதனாலென்ன? தாம...